Wednesday, December 9, 2009



I don’t know enough about baseball to do much harm - so you’re “safe!” and I don't have the right to pass judgment; for my house, is but a stones throw from my neighbors. I also know that my opinion is exactly that – subjective in truth. So the following paragraphs are merely observations and/or suggestions made in kind.

A child’s dream is his or her most sacred of ambitions. It remains untouched, sheltered from the bitter truths of reality. As parents it’s our duty to protect them from the insensitivities of reality and pacify their dreams to the best of our abilities. All of our boys dream the same dream, that one day they will achieve greatness in sports. Unfortunately, the reality is that very few will play professionally, and even though this is fact, we will continue to encourage and foster the dreams against all odds.
Why? Simply because, we love them, and perhaps, it’s because we know that our child’s success is based on their ability to believe in themselves. By denying them this opportunity based on our assumptions of the “game” and the emphasis on the WINNING, is wrong.

Therefore, given the circumstances of the “Traveling Team,” (expense, travel, and time involved), I would encourage that an extra effort be taken to let all children play equally. Trust me; I understand the game of wins and losses, and the “Thrills of Victory.” But these are not the virtues of great men. Great men are compassionate; they are honest, confident and wise. Great men are not all great athletes, but I would wager that some time in their past, they had a coach who believed in them more than they believed in themselves.

Pat Chavez

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